Sanding Belts, Discs, Flap Discs & Wheels, Rolls, Sandpaper Sheets & More

Norton offers the widest portfolio of grinding, cutting, blending, and finishing products.

Mirka Ltd is a world leader in surface finishing and offers a broad range of ground-breaking sanding solutions.

One of Europe's leading manufacturers of high performance coated abrasive technology.

HELLO! Woodworkers, Metalworkers, Autobody Shops, Knifemakers, Woodturners.
Red Hill Corporation is celebrating its 46nd anniversary in 2024. We are blessed with over 60,000 customers. You will find the best selection and prices on coated abrasives: Belts, Discs, Flap Wheels, Foam Sponges, Rolls, Sheets, etc...
What Is Our Formula Of Success?
Red Hill Corp purchases large , high quality close-outs from manufacturers and sells them under the "Supergrit" Private label category. These savings are passed on to our customers and are marked in “Red” to indicate an exceptional value.
For wood & metal working and autobody. Best quality, best prices, best delivery. You now have the opportunity to buy industrial quality abrasives at the best prices. We are distributors for: AdTech, Carborundum, Champion, Climax Metal Products, Dixon, Enkay, Ferro, Formax, FPC, Indasa, Kelco, King Arthur Tools, Maverick, Mirka, Paccom, Precision, Production, Random Products, Sand-Rite, SIA, St Gobain, Sungold, Sunmight, Unisand, & Woodstock International.